Software Engineer

Hi , I am
Mayur Bhojane

About me

A fresher who wishes to equip myself with additional skills and hone my leadership skills by working with team that enables me to develop and work hard.

  • Programming Languages
    C, C++, Java, Python
  • Web Development
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS
  • Database
  • Software Tool
    VS code, Git
  • Graphic Design Tools
    Adobe XD, Figma
  • UI/UX Conversion
  • Problem Solving
  • Teamwork
  • 2017
  • Shri. Chhatrapati Shivaji Vidyalaya Bhor
  • 2020
    Diploma in Computer Engineering
  • Government Polytechnic Pune
  • 2023
    Bachelors of Computer Engineering
  • Universal College of Engineering and Research Sasewadi


Smart Lectuer App

Smart Lecture App is a mobile app in which a create a PDF of what the teacher will teach and sent to the students.

Digi Prescription

Digi Prescription is a web application used by doctors and patients. The doctor uses his voice to digitally create the prescription and send it to the patient.

Weather App

A weather web app delivers real-time and forecasted weather information, enabling users to plan their activities based on current conditions.

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My Services

Web Design

Web design is the art and science of creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites. It involves using graphic design, layout, color theory, and typography to craft an engaging user experience. Web designers must consider usability, accessibility, and responsiveness, ensuring websites look and function well across various devices and browsers.

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Web Development

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications. It involves front-end development for user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as back-end development for server-side functionality.

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App Development

App development is the process of creating software applications for mobile devices, desktops, or the web. It encompasses design, coding, testing, and deployment. Developers use programming languages like Java, Swift, or JavaScript, and frameworks such as React Native or Flutter, to build apps that serve various purposes, from games to productivity tools. Successful app development requires user-centric design and ongoing updates to meet evolving user needs and technical requirements.

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Contact Me

+91 9011773701

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